Artizan Food Co. @ Stripe


25.01.24 08:31 PM By Artizan Food Co

Reducing food waste is now more important than ever with current household food waste estimated to be a whopping 250,000 tonnes per annum according to the Environmental Protection Agency. The average Irish household is throwing out 150 kg of food waste each year, that’s almost €700 of your hard-earned money going straight into the bin!

We often don’t realise how much food we’re actually binning on a day-to-day basis; from food scraps created in preparing a meal to an unfinished dinner, to that unrecognisable thing lurking in the back of the fridge that you forgot about and has now gone off!

Reducing food waste is an essential step towards a more sustainable food system. Here are some tips on how you can reduce food waste:


Before heading to the grocery store, make a meal plan for the week and what you need to prepare it. Note down the ingredients you need based on your meal plan, this can help reduce the chances of food going bad in your fridge as you have a plan on when you’ll need to use it.


Once you’ve made to grocery list remember to stick to it and avoid impulse purchases. Yes, we’ve all been tempted to add a few extra things to your cart, planning to use it but never end up doing so. This can lead to excess waste, especially if you don’t have a plan for how to use the extra items added to your bag.


If you’re cooking for one, or for more, why not double up and make more? You can use the leftovers the next day, or you can even pop them in the freezer and use it when you simply don’t feel like cooking. This way, not only will you reduce food waste but also add convenience to your life by getting more meals for your effort!


If you have food scraps from cooking that can’t be used, try popping them in the compost bin instead of throwing them in your regular bin, it’s a great way to help reduce food waste. You can also use them as a fertiliser in your garden and nourish your soil naturally!

Another great way to reduce food waste is to learn how to properly recycle the packaging it comes in. Often, we aren’t aware of what goes in the recycling bin and end up trashing it or are simply not in the habit of recycling.

By following these simple tips, you can do your part in reducing food waste and creating a more sustainable food system. Let’s make Earth Day every day by making small changes to our daily habits. Remember, every little helps!

Artizan Food Co